Jeff and I were privileged to take part in the “Freshman and Sophomore” Chapel here at the International House of Prayer University. There were probably about 400 students stuffed into one room for a time of worship, testimony, ministry time, and then an exhortation from a fellow student. We were so provoked to hear these ones encourage each other in intercession and desperate pursuit of God. A sophomore shared a story about his father’s ability to sustain love for God for thirty years. After the student asked his dad how he did it, the father’s reply was: “DESPERATION” – I am desperate for more of God and I cannot be satisfied with anything less.” THIS is how we as human beings can remain in the posture of humility and hunger for God- desperation!!!
Enjoy the photos of this amazing time!
We got to sit in the sound booth and give some leadership to the students planning the event. It was a blast.