We finished our fast last Sunday, which was Resurrection Sunday! Our prayer room hosted a corporate fast from March 7-27th for the purpose of asking God for an increase of healing power in the city. We had a number of people in different churches and healing ministries fasting with us at UHOP, and even some friends in different states felt led to fast. I also talked to another ministry leader in Sioux Falls who said that God told him to do a 21 day fast just one day before ours started.
The Lord spoke to our team through a variety of dreams and prophetic words over the course of December and January that He wanted to release more healing power. We had been feeling that a corporate fast was coming in March anyways, so as the words about healing came we became more and more confident that God wanted us to focus on this topic in the fast. Our staff took a trip to IHOP-KC a few days before we announced the fast, and we had two leaders the same day prophecy about healing coming to UHOP in this season.
One testimony was that so many people were excited to do a long fast, which is supernatural! Throughout the fast we had people praying over a prayer list of about 30 people that are involved at UHOP. Some of those people got healed during the fast. One guy had arthritis through his entire body going into the fast. As we prayed over him one night, he began to feel the fiery presence of the Lord on his body, and then he said that all the pain left his body. He normally had pain 24/7 in various joints. I (Jeff) had been experiencing vocal chord pain for years. I received prayer the first day of the fast, felt a cool sensation flow down my throat, and then felt some pain leave immediately. I usually have a very weak voice while fasting even one day, but since that day my voice has felt great. I have had little or no pain at all after singing and speaking, which is very different from what it had been. One guy had knee cap pain that was completely healed. The same guy had arthritis in his jaw joint and had clicking and popping with pain every day. He was healed in a minute of prayer. Also, his jaw was out of alignment because of a fight he had gotten into year ago, but during the prayer time he literally felt his jaw being pushed back into alignment. One little girl of one of the UHOP staff was experiencing hardness of hearing in one of her ears the past few weeks, but this past weekend at a service the deafness just left. She said she just felt the blockage leave in a moment and she began to cry in excitement.
The fast was also for people to get personal breakthrough in their lives, whether in circumstances or areas they felt the enemy was resisting them. So many people testified that circumstances were changed or that they felt a spiritual shift in their lives from the fast.
We have also noticed an increase of God’s felt presence and power in our prayer meetings and services since the fast.
Looking forward to so many healing focuses in April. This week Randy Clark’s healing ministry is in town teaching and imparting. In two weeks the Sioux Falls Healing Rooms are hosting a city-wide healing night. Then the last weekend of April the Vineyard Church is hosting a healing outreach training, which will equip people to hold a healing booth on Sioux Falls’ busiest walking street downtown over the summer.
Kathryn Kuhlman Healing Video I watched this week